Monday, November 14, 2011

Busy Weekend

Saturday: Finally got off my butt and got some "bike" stuff done. Saturday I dragged all of my bikes out and gave them all a tune up and fixed a couple of flats. I also tuned up the girl's bikes and got the small bike ready for my 3 year old. She has been content with her radio flyer tricycle up until about a week ago. Now she wants to ride with her sisters. No problem, found the old training wheels and put them on the bike that 1 & 2 learned on. After a few attempts figuring out the brakes, she was zooming up and down the court. I guess watching her sisters ride around for the past couple of years shortened the learning curve.
Single speed line up

Sunday: Ride The Buttermilk. Small group of people met up in Richmond to ride the James River Train System. We met at the civil war museum parking lot at 8 (yeah, 6 am departure from VB) and got on the trail around 8:30. Might be the lack of riding I've been doing lately, but I don't remember walking as much the last time I rode here. There are a few climbs and rock gardens that are pretty technical, but I can usually tackle the uphills and switchbacks. Not this weekend. There were several sections on the Buttermilk where I couldn't carry enough momentum on the ss to get up and through and had to unclip and take the walk. We hit a section in Forest Hill that I hadn't ridden before and it was awesome, flowing goodness. We rode for about 3 hours, although at least 45 minutes of that was the typical stop and wait (for yours truly) associated with a group ride. Afterwards we went over to Banditos Burrito Lounge for post ride drinks and lunch. Stats and Google Map of the ride:

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