Went up to Barhamsville yesterday to participate in the 3rd annual Billycross bike race. The race was hosted on the farm of Robert Maye and Sharon Oakley and sponsored by Bike Beat and Jim Beam.
The course was a little less that a mile long and consisted of a couple of tight switch backs (downhill-around the tree stump-uphill was a killer), cross hurdles, a step to platform to ramp obstacle and a big ol bottomed out area full of mud and water. Get through the mud and you continue out and back for a bit or take a short cut. Short cut route only cost you a shot of Beam. Not one to say no to whiskey, I opted for the short cut all 5 laps. Needless to say it was more about the good time than the race. Not that there weren't some amazing riders out there. I was humbled by a 9 year old who rode the entire course with a huge grin on his face and completed double the amount of laps as I did. The guys that took 1&2 both did it on cross bikes. Watching them ride and challenge each other was amazing to say the least.
Post race pot luck/cookout was great, drinks were flowing and a huge bonfire was glowing. It was a really great way to spend an afternoon with some very cool people and I definitely look forward to it next year.

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